For more than two decades we have been working to make our partners more competitive even in difficult economic situations. The secret is to become better than others in any given environment. Any organization capable doing so can develop even in times of crisis and achieve market growth. The stakes are high as international corporate surveys show that organizational excellence may lead to fourfold stock value growth.
Why do our clients choose us?
In order to ensure a competitive edge in the global economy of our times global, international knowledge and experience are needed. For over 22 years our corporate group has been researching, adopting and acquiring the best organizational development know-how in Europe and in the United States making them available for Hungarian companies.
With an advisory and training activity generating the largest annual turnover between Hungarian OD companies our advisory team ranks up to the biggest ones. Such a size allows us to provide our clients with whatever is the most useful for them in a certain period as we are number one in multiple advisory fields. We expertly design and align developmental processes that focus on the individual characteristics, situation and developmental needs of our clients. Hence we are able to ensure a higher Return On Investment than our competitors.
On our website you can find 8 different areas that, when developed with discipline, will lead to gaining a competitive edge and to corporate excellence.
Contact us!
István Ecsédi
Phone: +36 20 923 54 05