THE CHALLENGE: every company manager knows that the quality of leadership culture determines the future of the company, and his future, too. But so few dare to start developing it. Everyone feels that despite another training everything stays the same.
Leadership development – Learn from the best ones
There is a difference between outstanding leaders and competent managers. However, there is no agreement about who may be considered outstanding leader. Due to the results and international research of the FranklinCovey conducted in 144 countries it may be measured whether or not one is an outstanding leader. Whatever the factor of evaluating leaders was earlier, nowadays it is changing. In Knowledge Based Society leaders are evaluated not only upon their results, but also based on the fact whether they are able to build trust and establish systems ensuring long-term success. The basis of their evaluation is how well they are able to define and achieve clear goals.
LQ survey is part of the development process
We cannot fix the gap unless we know where it is and how big it is. The LQ measuring of FranklinCovey shows how well your leaders can manage the company in accordance with the practice of outstanding leaders. This individual, 360 degrees survey indicates those concrete fields in which participants shall make progress.
We offer this course material – based on international research – to Hungarian leaders and to ones with international leadership experiences. The course contains all leadership and reasoning patterns and tools which are necessary for the management of a company or its units.
Diversified leadership competence development
Each leadership level requires different competence development.
Training of top managers: Leadership
The manager shapes organisational culture with his acts and decisions. Corporate life cycle – profit models – manager tools: what, why and when? Successful survival strategy of organisations in change process. Development, coaching.
Training of mid-level managers
Balancing of tasks and roles, planning, effective communication, empathy and determination, establishment of a good team.
Training of foremen
Finding the leadership role, communication of goals and decisions, control and feedback, development of own field.
Lean management approach
Lean management depends on the mind. In order to establish a Lean approach organisational culture committed, enthusiastic managers are needed who are able to delegate tasks and responsibility to their colleagues.
Business Game – The future’s strategy
Simulation training facilitating corporate life cycle changes and strategic decisions.
How does our company do with financial planning, human resource management, production, sales, marketing and what is our market situation? If we could start over what would we do differently and what in the same way? 10 years pass during the 1 day of the training.
Details on Sämling Solution Consulting home page.
A complex process
Webinar – 360 degrees measurement – Training – Teamcoaching support – E-learning support -360 degrees feed back
Credibility = meeting of character and expertise
Those people may achieve outstanding results who are driven by the principle of success both in their work and private life. This 3-4 days long training is based on the book of Stephen R. Covey, published under the same title in Hungarian (original title: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People). The book is rightly the world’s most successful and most popular management book. During the training participants get to know in details the 7 basic principles which – if these become part of their lives– provide sufficient basis for increasing interpersonal, leadership and organisational efficiency and success.
Details on Franklin Covey home page.
Coaching – Assisting dénouement
The main goal of the coach team of Sämling Solution Consulting Kft. is to support the development of people in order to facilitate the dénouement of opportunities hiding inside them. This may help them to be courageous and to be able to replace routine with new solutions. We always pay attention on incorporating some special features and values important for our company into our work.
Contact us!

István Ecsédi
Phone: +36 20 923 54 05